As an independent, full-service ad agency, we truly believe that change starts with a spark. It makes the difference between mediocre and brilliant, ordinary and unique. It's what keeps us moving forward. Together we can do great things. Come spark with us!
There is no communication or business problem that, with the right approach and meticulous attention, cannot lead to great and distinctive solutions. Our creative, media, social media, digital, event, PR and strategic expertise provide the spark,
that keeps us going until we find the perfect solution,
that unites us and our brands as a community,
that pushes us out of our comfort zone to find the unexpected,
that fills you with a level of passion that moves others.
Advertising, marketing, media in a nutshell. This is Hungary's number one creative and communication podcast and radio show every week, produced by Mediator and Trend FM.
Listen to it on TrendFM 94.2 MHz on Mondays from 3pm or choose the podcast on Spotify!
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